Historique des versions
juin 19, 20244.20.0188Major Update
La mise à jour inclut la détection des nouvelles versions d’Outlook et les dernières corrections de bogues.
Améliorations fonctionnelles:
Lors de l’installation, la détection des nouvelles versions d’Outlook est mise en œuvre avec des instructions sur la façon de revenir à la vue classique d’Outlook.
Des raccourcis clavier sont ajoutés dans certains dialogues.
New version with some stability and performance improvements, as well as text updates related to German and French versions.
Functional Improvements:
- German and French language corrections have been made in different application dialogs.
- Newly designed Windows Toast Notifications are introduced to notify about product updates and other product related events.
- Tested with latest editions of Microsoft 365 and Windows 11.
Issues Fixed:
- On some dialogs English texts were shown instead of German / French.
This new Duplicate Remover update introduces better performance and stability with latest Outlook versions.
Functional Improvements:
Wizard starting logic is now improved to increase the launch speed
Loading animation has been added to the Outlook folder selection dialog
New Update includes frequently requested feature - Advanced Configuration Wizard
from Duplicate Killer. The duplicate removal process now splits into 2 different
scenarios - automatic and manual duplicate removal scenarios.
The duplicate removal process available in the previous versions of the application is
now named as “Automatic” wizard. Due to customer requests, we have implemented the
“Manual” duplicate removal process for more advanced scenarios and more control
over the de-duplication process.
Functional Updates:
Manual Wizard - NEW! Includes a more detailed step by step process on how to process or remove duplicates. Manual wizard includes the following features:
The wizard has a more sophisticated algorithm of finding duplicates.
Select more than 1 folder to remove duplicates in. Can set which folder to prioritize when selecting multiple folders to remove duplicates in.
Selecting which properties to compare when searching for duplicates.
Selecting what to do with duplicates - remove, move to another folder, flag, categorize, etc.
Search for duplicates modified only within specified time range.
Selecting which item should be considered as original - item with more non-empty fields, oldest item, largest item, item that contains longer values, last modified item, etc.
Review every duplicate before starting processing. Can choose change which item should be considered as original. Duplicate can be chosen as not duplicate before starting the de-duplication process.
Can choose to add data from duplicates to the original item.
Get a detailed review of what was done with the duplicates.
Issues Fixed:
User interface issues with higher DPI settings were fixed.
The update fixes an issue that was introduced during last update.
Issue fixed:
Tray menu will now close automatically if Microsoft Outlook is closed and there are no application' dialog(s) / processe(s) open or in progress.